I watch the clock to slow down time and relish in the time between seconds one, and two, and three, and four. It dilates time and takes the edge off of the ants that file beneath my skin to emerge from my pores. I feel the beat and burn of each moment of existence between all of those seconds that tick like a metronome to the beat of my quivering organs.
I need to move somewhere where it rains more, and maybe there's a beach- I don't care. It wouldn't be the kind that you take your yammering kids to for spring break, but the cold kind, where you dig from clams in sweaters and jeans rolled up at the ankles. I would tow my bucket and shovel up and down the lovely coastline as the brisk air licked at my rosey nose and cheeks. I've learned that some nights you can't run away from in the rain; some nights you have to sit at home and eat Van Gogh's yellow paint to make your insides feel happy again. We'll try anything, Van Gogh and I.
I bet you think I'm crazy, but I can hardly feel sometimes. Scalding shower, brush your teeth till your gums bleed damage, nothing too serious. For the past bit I think I've become a supernova about to birth into a blackhole. At least I hope I become a black hole and not a neutron star as I wish to warp space, not just live a dense, heavy form ghosting through space. Then again, what does that have anything to do with this loss of sensory? My explosive life somehow seems tied to it though, and so maybe my metaphor will have stretched as far.
I feel as though I'm whining too much about myself though, so maybe I'll change the subject. There was a man walking the curb, picking up cigarette butts to take the bits of tobacco to make a cocktail, hand rolled cigarette for himself. Is that life so bad? To have something you care about so much that you walk the streets piecing together a dose of your desires? A person that cares that much about anything impresses me. To want is an asinine emotion. How do you decide what to want? A thing that is worth wanting...
It's difficult to know what you really desire until it tells you no.
No. It's such a difficult thing to hear and possibly twice as difficult to say.
Fuck it all so we begin to think for ourselves. Fuck it so I can ingest my toxic, yellow paint, because maybe, just maybe, it will make a difference. Maybe it will take the "no's" away; maybe it will take the want away, so we don't have to roll those cigarettes to be romanced by life. Maybe it will liberate us from the shackles of the metronome of time.
What the fuck. This is so incredible. I am drunk off these pieces. You are inspirational.